The following quotation comes from I. John Hesselink's publication of Ford Lewis Battles's translation of Calvin's first catechism in Geneva:
"They are deceived, then, who boast in their faith in Christ while utterly stripped of the sanctification of his spirit. Scripture teaches that for us Christ was made not only righteousness but sancitifcation as well. Accordingly, his righteousness cannot be received by us with faith, unless we embrace at the same time that sanctification. For in the same way the Lord, because he covenants with us in Christ, promises he will be kind toward our iniquites and will engrave his law on our hearts. The observance of the law does not therefore require our capacity, but rather spiritual power whereby it comes to pass that our hearts are cleansed of their corruption and softened to the obedience of righteousness. Now Christians make a far different use of the law than those without faith can make of it. For where the Lord has engraved on our hearts the love of his righteousness, the outward teaching of law, which previously was accusing us of nothing but weakness and transgression, is now a lantern for our feet to keep us from wandering away from the straight path. It is our wisdom by which we are formed and instructed to complete uprightness. It is our discipline which does not permit us to abandon ourselves in more wicked license."
The Law Our Lantern, Wisdom, and Discipline.